Monday, May 14, 2007

Success in a Saudi Bank

To succeed in any of the banks in Saudi Arabia here a re a few pointers for people starting out. Start out first by knowing what you really want to do for the bank, don't just walk in to an interview and say anything will do, you might end up as a janitor with a master degree!

  • Know what the bank is doing in terms of services and growth, you can know this by simply following their advertising. What area are they calling out for? like SAMBA today is reigniting the Gold platform( people with Sr100,000 to Sr500,000- in Non interest bearing accounts) here you would position yourself as a person who has conections with people who have this kind of money, usually players,tarvellers,show offs, relators who keep some money in the account for emergency puchases.

  • Get your friends to introduce to one of the people that work in the bank, any department as long as it has to do with sales. Then forge a good relationship/friendship and see where they hang out. Usually bankers flock together to talk about the same subject:The Bank.

  • Visit their website and see if this culture is ok for you?

  • Ask the bankers you deal with how they like or dislike their jobs? sometimes if you get the same negative reactions from people you know are good in what they do, it's a bad idea to join this bank.

  • Visit their regional offices, see what it's like? walk around if you can. When you are invited to visit someone open a conversation with the person sitting next to you, you never know what you can find out.

  • When you go to an interview always be prepaired, and do not get annoyed by the time they let you wait, it is an old strategy used by losers to see how you ract to this kind of ego stabbing.

  • Check when you visit the bank if the person stands up and welcomes you, does he stand up and sit beisde you? or does he hide behind his big office?

  • Do not take personal insults in interviews, these are common ground in ego centric managers, trying and old trick of the interview book can actually hurt them if word gets out.

  • Be on time every time for the rest of your working life.

  • Dress the part, they like sharp looking people. Be yourself in the interview, they actually like street smart individuals.

  • Know the persons background you are meeting, Bankers lives are not a mystery, ask and you shall be told. Ask at least 10 people about him, and you can enter into exciting out of the box interviews.

  • Personnel department has no say in hiring you. It's the branches, managers, friends helping friends and regional managers pets( the regional managers ass kissers and close friends outside the bank)

The Secret

What's the new book out on the street these days after appearing on Oprah? Yes, The secret.

The book and the DVD are a great investment that can actually help you out in life. I think that the DVD will not appear for religious reasons or something else, get it from Amazon( trust me). In the DVD you get a whole lot more, like the commentary section on the show.

Once you watch the The secret you will be surprised at the impact it leaves on you in minutes through watching it. I know of families that have taken it to the bank to change their ways in life to a more fruitful outcome. I will now try to give you a brief of the book/DVD and the investment decision is yours to make.

Basically it flows around the idea of the Law of attraction; Whatever you occupy your mind with will be attracted to you and vice versa.

Here are a few examples; When you want to buy that BMW all you see is bimmers! When you want that new mobile from Nokia, all you concentrate is the NOKIA. When you have your mind on building a house, guess what? how about the bad things that you think about? like the debt on your credit cards and the loan that is late... the more you concentrate on the problem the more it grows, you should concentrate on the solution rather the problem.

Ideas like;

  • I am a magnet. Like attracts like, make it absolutely clear.

  • 3 simple words; Thoughts become Things!

  • Thoughts and feelings create my future.

  • You create your own future as you go along.Sir Winston Churchill.

  1. The creative process: Ask yourself what you really want write it in present tense, I own and drive a Ferrari.

  2. Believe it s already yours" you only know it can happen" like starting a business.

  3. Receive: Begin to feel wonderful, as it has already happened.

  4. Speed: Take action fast! Jump in and do not delay, hold the images and feelings.

  5. The process: What are you grateful for? list them.

  6. Visualize: Really see it, hold it ( the test drive at the car dealer, the checking out of a fancy couch, the playing with the new PS3) feel the joy and happiness.

On Money: Set a goal so BIG! it would blow your mind. Everyday visualize having it, the lifestyle and all else related to obtaining it. and actually say how you want it?

Health: Happier thoughts make a healthy life.

Here is one of my favourites: Don't walk away from negative people, RUN!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Advertising agencies in Saudi Arabia

When you seek out an agency in Saudi Arabia you will be in for a very nice ride. If you are not known for your big advertising dollars, then just sit back relax and forget about it.

This is a very secluded area with the known players and non players who have their niche. You have many of them poping up and attempting to outsmart or take a stake in the Billions of riyals that are up for grabs. These will include international firms, affiliates and Saudi/semi Saudi firms that promise you a local agency with international talent, one word: whatever!

Let's look at the time I went to a big agency here and asked about a launch for one of our unique products. The General manager actually had the nerve to tell me that after we spend your money we might not be able to prove that 50% of it was useful? Guess what I already know that that's why I'm hiring you smart ass.

Then go down a bit and seek the locals, here you will get into the Saudi trap of forgotten appointments, useless deadlines, fake promises and the works. If the last sentence caused you some irritation, relax. What you should do for a start-up is to hire your own and save money and time, trust me you will still get better results.

And one thing we found from so called know it all marketing and advertising agencies; they promise you a rehearsal or some kind of review before you accept the final work( on Saudi talent of course, cause that's what they promise) and have it done at an international firm, but charge you 4 times the amount! save your time and go to a good source like; in the US with international talent.

Remember to ask about the long term relationship that they can deliver, and always, always ask 3 agencies to give you a brief. If your budget is less than Sr500,000- never let them know, they will not consider you as a prime target.

I cannot recommend one company, if you know one let me know, we have our own in house ad agency!

Saudi Hollandi Bank

If I could name one bank in Saudi Arabia that has no idea of it's direction or actual strategy then it would be Saudi Hollandi Bank. This bank was and is still buying star performers from other local banks with 100% package increases to try and play catch up with competition.

Being one of the people pulled into the bank some time back( I no longer work there) I can say that the management team in the western region ( maybe central also) are not up to standards and still play to serious politics to cover up their defaults.

One man handles the region with all it's people like puppets. If you speak you are an enemy. Here is what I don't get; you are pulled in to handle something and make it happen, you are suddenly told that Mr.Nawaf ghunaim is your new boss( which was not in the contract) and you decline, you are shifted to another area, and still they pull the strings to get you out.

I can say one thing I had the best 1 year paid vacation from a bank that honestly is run by a bunch of morons. Now excuse my harsh language and unprofessional attitude towards a bank that paid me for relaxing and doing low priority work so I don't outshine my so-called boss who barely speaks English! and barely knows how to handle himself let alone his department.

What really got them by surprise was the fact that at SAMBA we are taught how to manage and think, take decisions and fight for our ideas. They are a culture of yes Sayers, ass kissers, and followers to a man who in many peoples opinion has some serious ego issues! I mean the guy had his office renovated for SR450,000- while the building was falling apart, and they would move in a year!!

Now, if you suspect I am saying this to cover any defaults, think again. The 2 people who were begging me to join the bank( the head hunters) left the bank. Not only that, if I was to ask you to go and talk to the head of private banking and come back with any information worth USD$20- then send me your account number I will transfer the funds gladly.

One last thing before I check out, my department( Van Gogh Private Banking) was asked to increase funds by around USD200 Million in one year, cool stuff. Lets talk basics, a business plan of course, new hires, systems and training. The answer to my request was the weirdest ever;" first get the funds, then we will look at the business plan?!?" that man no longer works there either.


Is it me or is showtime losing it's touch? I can't remember the last time someone told me to resubscribe to our pastime favourite!

Films get lousy and reruns run forever. I mean when a free channel like Dubai One, MBC Action, MBC 2 take us by surprise and catch our attention while at home, shisha place, friends house, barber then SHOWTIME needs to change it's old ways and come up with some new material to get us back, then keep us.

From the speed they are at now, I can tell you they will not be getting any funding from me.

Saudi Telecom Company

All of us living in KSA for the last 25 years or so know what the telcommunications was like.We remember days when a person needed to pay Sr100,000- USD$27,000- for a car phone,Wait 2-3 years to get a land line in your new home,Pay $USD1000- for a pager number,Pa SR10,000- and wait a year for a mobile, need real good connections with people you hate to get your phone issues in place!

Well, I can say the wait is over. Here's an example, I forgot to pay the office number and th eline was cut on the outbound calls. I needed the customer number to pay through the phone, so I called the operator at the 907# and asked for it. He replied to my shock" why don't I reactivate your number so you don't lose time till you pay!" need I say more?

I give them a two thumbs up!