Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Saudi Telecom Company

All of us living in KSA for the last 25 years or so know what the telcommunications was like.We remember days when a person needed to pay Sr100,000- USD$27,000- for a car phone,Wait 2-3 years to get a land line in your new home,Pay $USD1000- for a pager number,Pa SR10,000- and wait a year for a mobile, need real good connections with people you hate to get your phone issues in place!

Well, I can say the wait is over. Here's an example, I forgot to pay the office number and th eline was cut on the outbound calls. I needed the customer number to pay through the phone, so I called the operator at the 907# and asked for it. He replied to my shock" why don't I reactivate your number so you don't lose time till you pay!" need I say more?

I give them a two thumbs up!

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