What's the new book out on the street these days after appearing on Oprah? Yes, The secret.
The book and the DVD are a great investment that can actually help you out in life. I think that the DVD will not appear for religious reasons or something else, get it from Amazon( trust me). In the DVD you get a whole lot more, like the commentary section on the show.
Once you watch the The secret you will be surprised at the impact it leaves on you in minutes through watching it. I know of families that have taken it to the bank to change their ways in life to a more fruitful outcome. I will now try to give you a brief of the book/DVD and the investment decision is yours to make.
Basically it flows around the idea of the Law of attraction; Whatever you occupy your mind with will be attracted to you and vice versa.
Here are a few examples; When you want to buy that BMW all you see is bimmers! When you want that new mobile from Nokia, all you concentrate is the NOKIA. When you have your mind on building a house, guess what? how about the bad things that you think about? like the debt on your credit cards and the loan that is late... the more you concentrate on the problem the more it grows, you should concentrate on the solution rather the problem.
Ideas like;
- I am a magnet. Like attracts like, make it absolutely clear.
- 3 simple words; Thoughts become Things!
- Thoughts and feelings create my future.
- You create your own future as you go along.Sir Winston Churchill.
- The creative process: Ask yourself what you really want write it in present tense, I own and drive a Ferrari.
- Believe it s already yours" you only know it can happen" like starting a business.
- Receive: Begin to feel wonderful, as it has already happened.
- Speed: Take action fast! Jump in and do not delay, hold the images and feelings.
- The process: What are you grateful for? list them.
- Visualize: Really see it, hold it ( the test drive at the car dealer, the checking out of a fancy couch, the playing with the new PS3) feel the joy and happiness.
On Money: Set a goal so BIG! it would blow your mind. Everyday visualize having it, the lifestyle and all else related to obtaining it. and actually say how you want it?
Health: Happier thoughts make a healthy life.
Here is one of my favourites: Don't walk away from negative people, RUN!
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