Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Are you an Ass kisser?

What if I gave you a technique that would identify you as an Ass kisser, or not? I am sure this blog will get people fired up in the name of NETWORKING lol.

When you meet someone, let's say a Richie Rich kid, one that has made the money the easy way and not done anything about it, but spend it, to be clear.

1- Do you greet him with extreme warmth and make it a point to be seen shaking his hand and hope he doesn't flip you like one of his flip flops in less than 2 minutes, to meet someone more important than you?

2- Do you fake your smile and laughter at his dumb sick jokes?

3- Do you praise his intelect even though you know he is no more than a newspaper headline eduacted jerk?

4- Do you through names of these people to show that you are in the loop, even though he does not know you exist!?

5- When approached by this same individual you spark up and seem alive like your first date even though you had a sick day at the office?

6-When this Richie Rich hits you with a social blow that affects your self esteem in public do you smile back accordingly?

7- If this person had no money, or less than you would you treat him or her the same way?

Sorry if you answered yes to any of the above, you could be a newbie Ass Kisser or an advanced Ass Kisser.

Don't get me wrong,this has nothing to do with networking or being people savvy, this is exactly what it means..ASS KISSER.

Oh and yes! it takes one to know one ;-) I was for a good part of my life, remember I worked in a bank.

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