Saturday, June 28, 2008

Inflation confusion in the Arab World

If you ever wanted to know what a financial shock treatment in your life is, get through an inflation period while barely hanging on.

The irony of the matter is those ininflationary times, which one of its indicators is surplus money here and there, and not so much there. It is times like these that start you thinking
” maybe I should have taken that lousy boring economic class after all!”

You read in the papers that commodity prices are sky high, gas prices all over the world are soaring like an eagle, and real estate prices in one part of the world are rising 30-50% per annum and vice versa in other parts. You ask the barber about inflation and from what he gathers; it’s a sign of the times.

Lets take Saudi Arabia and the Gulf area as an example only because I live there, you take your normal way to your friends house which is off a famous street in Jeddah and all you see are phantoms, ferrari’s, lambo’s, mercedes benzes and bimmers are like flies. You think to yourself, how could this be? And people are complaining about the price of rice and bread? Well many answers to that question;

1- We are changing in the Middle East in the financial markets drastically over the last five years. It is a positive economic movement sparked by the new financial laws that actually are saving the banks monies by placing many a rigid credit and credibility screening across the kingdom. To name a good example, SAMA, this is like your credit history in the states.

2- The split banking infrastucture of conventional & Islamic banking products that enable everyone, regardless of how religious he or she is to get a car loan, ridiculousley over priced house loan, or money to reinvest.

3- Collection agencies are more powerful than before.

4- Competition amongst Saudi Banks and the rollout of older wiser international financial institutions coming to share the corporate lending pie. Ofcourse that being said, the local banks are now trying harder than ever to attract residents at the retail level for their more cut throat lending rates.

5- New leasing programs make it easier than ever to drive your dream car, or close to dream car based upon your budget and maximum lending stretch.

6- The fact that more corporations are expanding through IPOs and easier than ever laons from banks, employment which still has its negatives, is at a thriving level as the fight for quality and sometimes rubbish talent continues between companies. Please do not forget that it is almost impossible to get foreign aid due to saudi-I-zation of jobs at all levels, even the ones they suck at!
7- Last but not least the picture is not so rosy on the macro level however on a micro level it seems to balance out, especially in advanced cities like the 3 major cities; Riyadh, Jeddah, Khobar.

You see, people will always buy new cars, buy clothes, new perfumes and accessories all in the name of important to have. They tend to fudge it not budget. They tend to fall for the massive marketing campaigns of " buy this car for $10 a month" forgetting how many months.

People will always look at what if scenarios, if I delay payment of this and that i can get that. They will always forget the small stuff till they shop for home or eat out.

Here they will fret over spilt milk, why has my bowl of rice increased a dollar? and why is my shopping cart bill increasing every month? then they compain and whine for a few weeks, but when payday comes and its time to make up my mind on that new BMW that is only a 100 times out of my league, but hey! there is that smart invention called leasing!

Sign me up will ya, you only live once. So yes you will see many, many luxomania mobiles driving around town, ask the driver for the car registration and you will know what I'm talking about. I guess that's why police men know the rich from the wanna-be's.

My insight is that of an individual consumer and proffesional business & financial investor, maybe that’s what’s causing my confusion?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The SECRET reversed

Everybody these days has an idea about the famous book & DVD "The Secret". What people don't actually mind thinking about is the negative side effects the secret can have on someone.

Let's say the critical insight in the secret is to start the law of attraction in your favour. So if you want something really bad, you think about it day and night and things fall into place, thus enabling you to get what you want.

On the other hand, if you don't want something bad to happen to you and continue thinking about that one thing most of your waking hours, sometimes also in your sleep, you get what you don't want. How? well due to your focus on that one thing you are creating a force in your subconcious level so strong it is acting like a magnet, you being the magnet and the thing you don't want being the peice of metal.

On a recent occasion me and one of my close freinds took a long trip together. Through my observations on this close freind, i found him to be waiting for bad things to happen. Well to give you a simple example, when we approach the customs desk, he seemed to jump from one to the other, each time finding as he approaches it fills up with people! this he is working on.

On another occasion, we reached our destination, waiting for our luggage( I had 2 pcs. he had one) his did not arrive! he panicked and started cussing, getting angry and so forth. He had major problems on the way back to the city, one that caused us 2 hours delays at the airport, a continuation of his previous experience which he did not let out of system.

Why? because he is always looking at the worst that can happen, as murphy puts it, it will all happen, and then some more.

On my side, i tend to be a happy go lucky individual, what will happen will happen, enjoy the ride! Good things are in store for you.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Are you an Ass kisser?

What if I gave you a technique that would identify you as an Ass kisser, or not? I am sure this blog will get people fired up in the name of NETWORKING lol.

When you meet someone, let's say a Richie Rich kid, one that has made the money the easy way and not done anything about it, but spend it, to be clear.

1- Do you greet him with extreme warmth and make it a point to be seen shaking his hand and hope he doesn't flip you like one of his flip flops in less than 2 minutes, to meet someone more important than you?

2- Do you fake your smile and laughter at his dumb sick jokes?

3- Do you praise his intelect even though you know he is no more than a newspaper headline eduacted jerk?

4- Do you through names of these people to show that you are in the loop, even though he does not know you exist!?

5- When approached by this same individual you spark up and seem alive like your first date even though you had a sick day at the office?

6-When this Richie Rich hits you with a social blow that affects your self esteem in public do you smile back accordingly?

7- If this person had no money, or less than you would you treat him or her the same way?

Sorry if you answered yes to any of the above, you could be a newbie Ass Kisser or an advanced Ass Kisser.

Don't get me wrong,this has nothing to do with networking or being people savvy, this is exactly what it means..ASS KISSER.

Oh and yes! it takes one to know one ;-) I was for a good part of my life, remember I worked in a bank.

Feel good music

Is it me or is the whole world moving towards peace and love again. It seems they have had enough.

When your in a night spot and they are playin some groovy music from the seventies or early eightees and the 18 year old's are dancing and humming along, alarming is when they know the lyrics and you don't!

I have never stopped listening to music, its easy when you like most of the popular music being created around you. Anything from 80's to ear deafening acid rock I will give it a try, and every thing in between. My favourites are of course R&B, Reggae for the deep meaning behind the smooth rythms, contemp and much more. My son get's shocked when im listening to his newly released Cyclone hit or Low, and it really get's interesting when me and him get down to some lately released hit ;-)

Back to my subject, feel good music; anything that makes you smile, feel it in a positive way, brings back a good memory, increases the beauty of the moment a takes you to your favourite spot in 3 minutes.

Trust me on this, check your music selection and tell me if it does affect you? people with those 24/7 love songs...gimme a break, that's not what I mean. Check out the old and famous hits like : Move on up, by curtis mayfield.What a wonderful world by Louis armstrong,Music & You, room 5( taken from the old days), like a star, dramatics...etc. get my drift?

Dance to the music!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Saudi Labour( workers)

Believe it or not! We offered some Saudi guys in the ages of 20-30 the opportunity to work as car washers and end up after 6 months owning their own car wash and found zilch! zero! sifr! nothin!

I thought that many people work as employees for years to save and eventually save enough money to won a business and become self employed? How wrong could I be? VERY.

Here are some of the things I personally handle to make sure no one was trying to scare off the Saudis ( conspiracy theory amongst Saudis);
1- Advertised in major newspapers to draw the attention of prospects, only to find the very few came to think it was a push button operation with no labour involved.

2- Talked to the Major social players to get us hooked up with some Saudi youth, no luck there.

3- Advertised some more, this time no one even called!

4- Talked to young guys at the car wash to send in their friends for job interviews, no luck they all wanted to be Supervisors( as if they knew what the @#$% they were doing in the first place!)

5- I even hired a Saudi who appeared on TV in a large country campaign for labour work, he ripped me off from day one by asking for an advance of Sr5000- USD1300- never to be seen again or heard of!

6- We put the word on the street that we were hiring by word of mouth in a " work to won program" failed again.

7- Finally the franchises we operated and sold started to close due to tough Saudi laws on labour and visa requirements and still no Saudis.

It is so funny that these very Saudi guys whine all day and complain about not finding jobs, and companies not treating them right! get a life you idiots.

If someone was to come to me and say would you let your son work as a car washer, YES! and he would. If someone asked me would I do it? YES! been there done that, after being a Private banker at a leading Saudi bank, and a 14 year banking career. I am not showing off, I'm actually pissed off! excuse my french.

Every country in the world has a labour force from the natives, except the gold fed Saudi youth. If I knew they were dumb, stupid, uneducated,morons,with no ambitions, I would relax and rest my case. They are actually the opposite.

Why do we give it to them when we find someone working as a barber, mechanic, painter, plumber, chef,washer...enough of the kiss their ass cause they did it and ignore them, if they want it bad enough, really bad enough they will fight for it.

It's time we changed our strategy as a country, and ignore them. Job or no job, our government has stretched out on a limb to help them, they even gave them money to start work, they take the money and travel or just spend it!

We should have ads in newspapers making fun of them, not showing that they are cool when they work! make jokes about the subject, wake up and smell the coffee.

If you have anything to add on the subject I'm all ears.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pampering service standards

Ever wonder where all the good service outlets went? Ever wonder where all the smiles and sincere greetings disappeared? Have you seen how the STARBUCKS standards have fallen below average in the past few years in KSA? well I know where they are brewing, in ASIA.

It takes you by surprise when you visit an Asian destination of choice and see what service is all about. It should be forced upon all layers of management to visit hotels, coffee shops, shopping malls and retail outlets during their job, frequently. Did I forget the airlines? have you travelled SAUDIA lately, even after word that its going for IPO? did things change? or do they have a great job at finding the worst living souls and plug them in service seats at the airport and stick a phone to their skull and demand they answer the phone?

I honestly think they give bad service a new meaning. So back to my original subject at hand, service in Asia. Ahhh, what can I say. Ideas flow, pains and stress are all relieved and released, smiles are in the air, you feel humble once again, sometimes you say to yourself enough " I could get used to this", only problem there is when you get back home and get the smiles from immigration and try to find your luggage alongside 20,000 other pilgrims and frequent flyer's.

Trying to be better is a given in KSA, its the walking the talk that sucks. When was the last time you saw an airport official greet you with a smile? when did you get served? when was the last time you had a fully confirmed booking stay that way, not lost to someone else? when was the last tim you had a good meal at the airport, not from a useless franchise operator who monopolized the airports with overpriced, tasteless food and coffee? when was the last time you saw a good food joint in the airport?

Did you compare the lounges at King Abdulaziz Airport and the much smaller Bahrain airport? At Bahrain you get meals on demand, cooked to your taste and liking, in Jeddah you get cheese sandwiches which look like they came out of someones underarm!

Do I see an awakening in the Arab world, one that wants to prove it Can DELIVER, or am I dreaming? I think we can, I hope my son gets to enjoy it!

The Filipino culture and its products

It is an experience to see how countries change and update their status to accomadate change in this ever changing world.

If it was what you heard that meant everything to you, you end up in a tight contained tupperware area defined by what you heard than what you see. I have taken it upon myself to actually be the informer and not the informed.

I travel for business and pleasure, and try to get a grasp of the true essence of the culture by wondering around CBW. This way you try to have a free flow of whatever it is the culture is conveying to you. You will be harrassed, and caught in the local taxi cons,the concierge who takes you for face value and sends you to the local tourist traps. But in the end its an experience.

When travelling with friends, watch out not to get caught in their travelling rituals and prefernces, have your own style and do it your way.

Manila is a city that translates into what they want to be. People are so amazing and loving. They lack the financial freedom that many countres have, but boy do they know how to max out on life!

They will take care of everything they come accross with delicate hands and treatment, even you will be pampered in their yes sir, yes maam attitude. To get an immediate feel for the difference in cultures, just go to the airport and see the way they treat you at customs, compare to the US of A. I mean where on earth do you have a smiley on the immigration officers window that boasts" immigration with a smile!"?

Trust me on this one, Middle Easterners, Learn from the best and forget the money part. It starts at an aearly stage and continues to manefest into the surroundings. Filipinos are a service culture, they are a beautiful masterpiece in the making.

My only concern is the PMS that affects them from time to time( male & female) I think it happens when they are faced with a situation that they have no direct answer for, otherwise enjoy your time and learn!

In our Arab culture we tend to look down on this amazing race tht has made governments fight to have their manpower and nursing workforce at bargain prices. Well guess what, whatch out cause prices are rising and they are refusing to move out without the correct form of pay, what they deserve. In my humble opinion, any filipino is a steal at these rates if you are looking for longterm growth and productivity ;-)